Optocore has created a fibre network for ISE 2015 at the booth of their Dutch distributors, TM Audio (7-K175). An Optocore loop also allows multiple DiGiCo consoles to be connected to a number of locations.
TM Audio’s Jaap Pronk explained: “We will have a laptop with multitrack (simulating a live band) connected via a DiGiGrid MGB coaxial MADI interface to the SD10, which in turn will connect via Optocore to the SD5 and SD7.”
This ring starts at the three DiGiCo consoles and continues to the Martin Audio booth, which forms another zone within the TM Audio hub, where an Optocore DD32R-FX digital interface will connect the company’s loudspeakers via AES EBU.
An Optocore DD4MR-FX will be located on Allen & Heath’s booth to copy the multi-track via the MADI protocol, with an Optocore X6R-FX-16AE AES EBU unit on the Renkus-Heinz booth. A second DD32R-FX AES EBU unit will be placed on the Powersoft booth and finally, on the Optocore booth itself, the ring will connect to a Broaman MUX22 unit which will link to another MUX22 unit on the DiGiCo booth to close the ring.
“The multi-track on the DiGiCo booth can be mixed on the SD10, the SD5 and the SD7,” Pronk continued. “This simulates, for example, FOH, monitors and on-air broadcast, all taking place at the same time.”
“Together with Optocore, DiGiCo provides a connected system that can now be found in many installations such as multi room theatres, multi room studios, Houses of Worship, sports and live venues. The key advantage is a non compromised, fully redundant and synchronous network without any added latency for every extra unit on the network. Latency and clock problems belong in the past with a network like this.
“The system is really easy to use and having this extensive network on show at ISE will enable our customers to experience just how simple it is first hand.”