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Meyer Sound Constellation system creates immersive worship environment

A US church reports a greatly increased sense of engagement from its congregation following the installation of a Meyer Sound Constellation system.

Meyer Sound’s Constellation acoustic system has been employed by the Clinton Frame Mennonite Church in Goshen, Indiana to modify the room acoustics through pre-sets tailored to different events.

For houses of worship, during congregations, the Constellation system offers sonic characteristics that create an immersive environment to inspire congregants to join in.

“The first time they used Constellation, the congregation sang ‘It is Well with My Soul’ acapella, and when they were done everybody burst into applause,” said Doug Hood, president of Fort Wayne-based CSD Group, which provided and installed the Constellation system. “I was told that this sense of total engagement hadn’t happened in the church for years, since before they moved into this space.”

The Constellation system at Clinton Frame’s 1,000-seat sanctuary is configured with multiple acoustic pre-sets, four of which are primarily used for worship, with about six changes made during a typical service. The system is built around a D-Mitri digital audio platform that hosts patented VRAS acoustic algorithms. Acoustic ambience is captured by 23 miniature cardioid microphones, and the enhanced acoustical response is delivered through 81 MM-4XP self-powered loudspeakers, eight UPM-1XP loudspeakers, and 12 MM-10XP subwoofers.

“During services when the worship team sings through the PA, we turn on Constellation and the crowd response keeps building as they join in,” reported Joel Miller, head sound technician at Clinton Frame. “This folds back energy to the stage, and it just goes back and forth and gets stronger and stronger.

“We installed Constellation for acapella singing, but we didn’t expect how much better speech would sound with a subtle blend of early reflections, and how the right setting could improve a musical performance by the worship band,” continued Miller. “In the past, visiting choirs told us they wouldn’t return because of the acoustics. They now want to come back here for revivals because singing sounds so amazing.”

Provided by CSD Group, the Constellation system is part of a complete package that also includes a reinforcement system of 12 MINA line array loudspeakers, two 700-HP subwoofers, and a Galileo Callisto loudspeaker management system with a Galileo Callisto 616 array processor. The upgrade also encompasses a MIDAS M32 digital console, three new projectors, and a computer-controlled LED lighting system.