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Improve sets out to inspire with ISE Show Floor Theatre production

Each year Integrated Systems Europe partner Improve brings a unique creative impetus to the design and event production of ISE’s Show Floor Theatres. This year is no exception…

Improve is breaking with tradition and has this year designed the theatres to have a similar visual appearance from the outside. “Often things look similar from a distance,” said Improve’s owner Antoinette Wijffels, “and it’s only when you look under the surface that things are revealed to be different, influenced by the different types of people that are using them.

“For the ISE 2017 theatres we will create the feeling of a blank canvas on the outside of the theatre so that people do not know what quite to expect, but when people come inside they will be confronted by a set design that reflects the subject matter being discussed. They will be surprised and inspired at the same time.”

Each theatre design reflects its designated theme. Whether it’s a mass of wires for the Unified Communications Solutions theatre, natural elements for the Residential Solutions Theatre or the laid back comfort of the Audio Solutions theatre, Improve’s plan is that both speakers and audience are inspired and, briefly, transported away from the ISE show floor.

“We work closely with as many speakers as we can,” said Wijffels, “to assist them in preparing the best presentation they can and to help them present it in an as dynamic and creative a manner as possible. So their message hits the target…”

Attendees at ISE 2017 have the opportunity to attend 180 free-to-attend ISE Show Floor Theatre Sessions taking place during each day of the four day event. The five theatres are as follows: –

  • Hall 8: InfoComm Commercial Solutions Theatre sponsored by Crestron
  • Hall 5: CEDIA Residential Solutions Theatre
  • Hall 7: ISE Audio Solutions Theatre
  • Hall 11: InfoComm Unified Communications Theatre sponsored by Crestron
  • Hall 9: CEDIA Smart Building Solutions Theatre sponsored by KNX

The Show Floor Theatres provide a unique opportunity for attendees to hear industry experts, consultants and manufacturers present the latest in project-based case studies, workflow solutions, technological innovations and business analysis in an intimate and innovative setting on the exhibition floor. Each presentation is 20 minutes long with a 10-minute Q&A. No pre-booking is required.

Click the link for full details of the ISE 2017 Show Floor Theatres.