Salzbrenner Stagetec Mediagroup’s contracting arm has equipped the opera house in Kassel, Germany with a new PA system, all connections for audio and HD video signals as well as about 140 junction boxes, as part of a major refurbishment in the summer of 2014.
The refurbishment in Kassel involved the removal of the opera house’s entire forestage area, including the stage tractions, the overhead machinery and the lighting bridge, which were dismantled by specialised companies and then rebuilt around a steel construction. Given that all cables were located in the former portal section, the project also involved the installation of new cable runs (optical, analogue, digital, Cat, power lines) with a combined length totalling 43km. “Our mission was to install the biggest stage management and paging and public address system our contracting division has ever developed for a German venue,” explained Gerhard Reichart, the project manager at Salzbrenner Stagetec Audio Video Mediensysteme.
The expansion of countless connections and the new HD video system furthermore required revising all junction boxes. In addition, the Nexus network for the main PA system was extended and a new main PA system (d&b) was installed, along with Ghielmetti audio patchbays, distribution units and Canare video patchbays.
Completing such a demanding project during the summer break requires thorough planning and preparation, but thanks to experienced project supervisors and teams at Audio Video Mediensysteme, all assignments were completed to the client’s satisfaction. Kassel’s Rosenkavalier premiere on 12 October 2014 (pictured) was not only a resounding success, but also proof that the contracting team had delivered.
Reichart said: “Our contracting division had already impressed Kassel’s management with an all-new sound system in 2006. Still, the ultimate proof of recognition is when you are asked to contribute to subsequent assignments. We were delighted to be a part of this year’s project. Thanks to this undertaking, Kassel now boasts a splendid new opera house that is well worth a visit.”
Installed audio and video equipment comprises:
• About 140 new junction boxes and mounting plates
• Stage-management console
• Audio patchbays (Ghielmetti)
• Video patchbays (Canare)
• 43km of cabling
• Updated video equipment (Blackmagic Design)
• Main PA system (d&b)
• New paging and public-address system