Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre attracts more than 500,000 visitors each year to music and theatre performances, exhibitions, meetings and more. As part of a major refit initiative, the venue – hereafter referred to as the AKKC – sought a new audio system and selected Alcons Audio equipment after a comprehensive shoot-out.
Having been impressed by a visiting production that deployed an Alcons LR16/lR16B PA system, AKKC head of sound Søren Hansen was further reinforced in his opinion of the Alcons technology during the three-brand shoot-out. “In our opinion Alcons was the best-sounding and most flexible system for our purposes,” he said.
Alcons’s Danish distributor Ascon Trading subsequently supplied three Alcons systems – two for permanent installation and one for mobile use – with Alcons’ Niels Janssen conducting final set-up and fine-tuning. The permanent system in the (up to) 2,200sqm Aalborghallen comprises 12 LR16s and four LR16Bs per side, as well as three LR14s for downfill and three more for nearfield each side. The other permanent system – in the 880sqm Europasalen – features six LR14s and two LR14Bs per side, while the mobile rig incorporates six LR14/120s, six LR14/90s and four BF362 subs. All three systems are powered by Alcons ALC4 amplifiers.
Meanwhile, QSC networking enables easy set-up and configuration of the systems – a critical point given that the halls are put to a variety of uses.
Hansen added: “We are very happy with the systems and have received positive comments from visiting engineers, who are very impressed with the sound and the clarity. The Aalborghallen system can be set-up in many ways, depending on the configuration of the room, and all three systems sound excellent.”
Alcons Audio MD Tom Back told Installation Europe: “The initial contact with Søren goes back to PLASA 2007, so it’s good to see that the contact actually came to fruition for us, especially as he and his team conducted a thorough selection process with other top brands. It’s the first larger Alcons installation in Denmark and a great reference. A number of installations are about to follow, so Ascon (our pro-ribbon partner for Denmark) is doing a great job!”