The development emerges four months after Dolby announced that it was to cease manufacturing the stand-alone Dolby Lake Processor. While the independent DSP did find its way onto several major live tours, its highest profile application has been in Lab.gruppen’s PLM (Powered Loudspeaker Management) system. The PLM range currently features two main products: the PLM 10000Q and PLM 14000, the latter introduced last month.
As a result of the acquisition, the DLP technology as used in the PLM series will henceforth be known as Lake Technology. The Dolby Lake Controller (DLC) PLM Edition software will be retitled Lake Controller software; new versions of the software are expected to be compatible with both the stand-alone DLPs and the PLM series products.
Speaking to II, Lab.gruppen CEO Tomas Lilja (pictured here, centre, with colleagues Carl Rohdell, H_kan Gustafsson, Emil Tir_n and Klas Dalbj_rn) confirmed that the company will look to further enhance the profile of the PLM Series of Powered Loudspeaker Management systems with Lake Processing onboard, and the Lake brand itself in the install market. “PLM has been very successful, and even more investment will go on into these product lines,” he noted.
In a statement announcing the deal, Lilja added that Lab.gruppen would “continue developing the Lake Controller software for use in our own products and all the thousands of DLPs out there. We are sure the market will be happy to hear that.”
John Carey, vice president worldwide sales, product and services at Dolby Laboratories, also welcomed the deal. “Over the past few years Lab.gruppen has been a trusted partner of Dolby and we have recognised their commitment to supporting the live sound industry. As we pass the live sound torch to Lab.gruppen we are confident they will continue to innovate and evolve the technology and brand many have grown to love in this industry.”