Saville Group has reported a 25% increase in sales, with the financials showing an increase from £35 million to £43.5 million for 2018.
This significant expansion comes hot on the tails of a major brand transformation in 2018. Following two previous years of record financial performance, this major landmark on the company’s timeline revealed a new look for the parent Saville Group brand, and the creation of two new specialist operating brands, Sparq and Visavvi.
A key driving force in the growth figures is the performance of Visavvi, the group’s AV integration, installation and services operation, which has successfully delivering multiple global installation projects for a diverse range of FTSE 100 companies.
Saville Group joint managing and sales director Andy Dyson said: “As many of our clients have evolved into multinational corporations we have had to adapt and change our processes and skillsets to ensure we can support their business communication needs. Our investment in people and technology has, as these accounts show, produced amazing results!”
A buoyant live events sector coupled with the acquisition of key, high-profile clients has seen the group’s technical event production specialists Sparq show impressive returns with the team delivering an increasing number of high-end events for major brands.
Joint managing and financial director Colin Nixey commented: ”The brand transformation was a challenging decision. It was a big change for us, our suppliers and our clients and involved a lot of internal structure changes. Being able to post these fantastic performance figures confirms it was exactly the right choice for us and is something we can continue to build on.”