The UK-based Association of Lighting Designers (ALD) has released a guide to the proposed EU 2020 Lighting regulations, which it warns will have devastating effects on production lighting, as part of its #SaveStageLighting campaign. The PLASA trade association has also issued warnings about the regulations.
The Proposed 2020 EU Lighting Regulations – A Primer collects a great deal of relevant information about the existing regulations (EU1194/2012), the regulations proposed for September 2020 as part of the EU’s Ecodesign Working Plan 2016-2019, and the key differences between them together in one place.
The Primer states that the new regulations will not only affect tungsten lighting, as was supposed early on and, it says, still seems to be assumed by many, but rather on practically all specialist lighting fixtures used for show lighting, whether tungsten, arc or LED. More seriously, it points out that manufacturers do not expect to be able to make many types of fixtures that do meet the new standards in time, if at all, because of limitations imposed by physics and optical design.
‘We thought this was about tungsten; it’s not about tungsten. It’s about an imminent threat to every tool we use’
Paule Constable, ALD Save Stage Lighting campaign
“The deeper you read into these proposed regulations, the more alarming the threat becomes,” commented multiple award-winning lighting designer Paule Constable, a member of the ALD’s Save Stage Lighting campaign. “The new rules are clearly written for domestic and industrial lighting, and while the goal of reduced energy consumption is of course laudable, they show no understanding of the tools we use or the way we work. If implemented as written, the effect will be devastating for show lighting not just in the UK but across Europe, not just for new shows but for existing shows and shows that return in rep, not just for big theatres but for venues and performances of all types, scales and sizes. We thought this was about tungsten; it’s not about tungsten. It’s about an imminent threat to every tool we use. You should know about it, and you should start doing something about it. This Primer will give you the information to let you do both.”
The Primer can be downloaded from the ALD website, where there is further information about the Save Stage Lighting Campaign. There is also information about further action that individuals can take, including contacting their MP and MEP to ensure that they are aware of the situation, and also calling for the EU to exempt stage and performance lighting equipment from these regulations.
The ALD is also encouraging everyone to read the ‘Call to Arms’ document that PLASA has issued.