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Sennheiser: talking ‘bout a revolution – video catch up

Each week we’ll present a new video from Sennheiser on the Speechline Digital Wireless microphones, and to catch up on previous videos simply click the relevant title.

Part 1: An introduction to SpeechLine Digital Wireless
In the first video, Sennheiser portfolio manager, Kai Tossing, introduces the system and the environments the microphones are best suited, including corporations, universities, and hospitality events.

Part 2: Dedicated to speech – Optimum speech intelligibility
Following on from the first part, here Tossing explains how the Speechline wireless microphones guarantee the highest speech intelligibility with leading algorithms and capsules for speech.

Part 3: Reasons why – The best solution for corporations, universities and hospitalities
In the third video in the series, viewers discover the reasons why the SpeechLine Digital Wireless is particularly well suited to the above applications.

Part 4: Control Cockpit Software – Easy remote control
One component of the SpeechLine Digital Wireless is the Control Cockpit, which provides easy handling, maintenance, and control of the entire wireless system.

Part 5: Multi-Room Mode – Ready for large installations
The Multi-Room Mode provides easy handling as well as unlimited scalability for every setup, specifically large installations.

Part 6: Dante – The most common Audio over IP network
Sennheiser’s SpeechLine Digital Wireless supports the integration of the Dante interface, the most common Audio over IP (AoIP) network.