XR Summit ISE will ‘fast track’ attendees so that they gain a broad overview of the latest in virtual, augmented and mixed reality (XR) technologies and business strategies, with particular focus on the AV industry.
The summit is a new one-day, B2B strategy conference taking place on Tuesday 6 February, the first day of ISE 2018.
Conference chair Benjamin de Wit, the founder of Amsterdam’s prestigious three-day VR Days Festival, commented: “Delegates will obtain a global view of the way in which the XR industry is developing. They will become an XR specialist in one day!

He continued: “We are seeing a revolution in how virtual, augmented and mixed reality is being used in the AV community and the opportunities that are arising through this. It is changing how we live our lives and how we manage our businesses.”
According to De Wit, the XR Summit will deliver an invaluable source of market intelligence and best practice case studies from some of the world’s leading XR experts and thought leaders.
“We will present case studies that showcase ROI for corporations,” he said. “We have a packed programme covering enterprise solutions, XR business models, increased productivity through XR and its potential within the sports and live entertainment market.”
Two standout presentations include one from Fabio D’Agnano, director of the Postgraduate Masters Course in Digital Architecture, IUAV, who will explore if VR is made for architecture. In another, Kurt Doornaert, Barco’s director general manager VR Division, will use a case study to show the return on investment expected from VR used in the automotive industry. He will also show how industries new to VR can learn from long term users and apply it for their businesses.
Other speakers include representatives from the following companies:
Holovis, VR Days, The Kremer Collection, MatrixWorks, Samsung Next, Yuecheng Media, The VR Fund, DFRNT Media, Experimental Foundation, LiveLike VR, and XR Basefund
TheXR Summit takes place on 6 February 2018 from 10:00-18:00, RAI Amsterdam, Room E102.