Digital Projection HIGHlite solid-state laser phosphor technology has been used to upgrade the Singapore Maritime and Port Authority’s (SMPA) Kongsberg Ship’s Bridge Simulation Centre.
The centre was scheduled to undergo a like-for-like lamped projection upgrade until Digital Projection launched the HIGHlite Laser.
The SMPA’s two whole mission simulators, which provide both day and night training, are operational close to 12 hours per day, seven days per week to meet demand.
As the centre approached 10 years in operation, not only was the projection system reaching its five-year lifespan, but Kongberg‘s bridge simulation software and physics engine was also due an upgrade: the Full Mission K-Sim Polaris Shiphandling Simulator.
Digital Projection Asia project manager, Rico Sim explained: “When I explained the vast differences in technology, the SMPA were convinced laser technology from Digital Projection was the way to go. Technologically and financially, the scope of the project was completely altered by Digital Projection’s newly launched technology.”
Digital Projection put forward a new proposal, which specified 10 projectors instead of 12 in the 360° simulator, and reduced the number of projectors in the 240° simulator from 10 to seven, while improving performance.
Teams from Digital Projection Asia and Kongberg Maritime Singapore, began work on the installation with the goal of producing the minimum downtime for the Marine Port Authority.
Operational from May of this year, the installation to commissioning took just one month with the full training remit of the SMPA still maintained.
Asraf Ibrahim, area sales manager-simulation for Kongberg Maritime Singapore, who ran the project on behalf of the Singapore Maritime Authority, stated: “I am pleased as well as in awe of the level of realism of the visual scenes and it justifies the need to have a world class training and assessment facility. Digital Projection Asia has been at every moment responsive to the end user’s needs and able to draw upon the abundance of resources at their disposal in the local office.”
Atle Jensen, group manager projects, project management sim, concluded: “The system installed in MPA’s ISC is one of the best systems I’ve seen in my years of experience with Kongsberg.”
Picture: SI Asia