Soundscape technology from d&b audiotechnik aims to bridge the gap between the physics of loudspeaker system design and the creation of artistic material. On show at ISE 2018, Soundscape operates on d&b’s DS100 signal processing platform and empowers sound designers and engineers with multidimensional source placement, acoustic room simulation and signal matrix processor capability.
The first product release of Soundscape comprises three component parts: a signal processing engine and two optional software modules. The processing engine hardware takes the form of a signal processor and matrix, with which sound designers will be very familiar, says the company. The software components include the En-Scene object positioning tool, which allows individual placement and movement of up to 64 sound objects. In addition, the En-Space room emulation software enables designers and engineers to add room emulation of reverberation signatures to any given space.
Soundscape is a two-layered technology. The basic layer comprises setup and configuration via the d&b ArrayCalc software modelling tool. On top of this is the creative layer, where the sources and the sound objects (performers and instruments) are placed, and where pan and room acoustics are set.
Stand: 7-C195