The IP-based KVM specialist Adder Technology unveiled its ADDERLink Infinity 100T unit – a ‘zero U’ IP-based KVM for video, audio and USB – on the first day of ISE 2018.
Billed as ‘the world’s smallest high performance KVM transmitter’ the unit is also known as the ALIF100T and can be plugged into the back of any computer, meaning it takes up zero rack space.
John Halksworth, senior product manager at Adder Technology, told ISE Daily: “To reduce space you have to reduce power, hence the new transmitter unit only takes about 2W. No longer do you take up any rack space, but it is also easier to install. We’ve made it USB powered because that takes things like PDUs and power bricks out of the way.
“The idea was to make it simpler to use and install. So we’re solving a problem, instead of inventing one.”
He added: “Retrofitting high performance KVM into environments designed around legacy, outdated equipment is challenging and expensive, sometimes requiring a complete redesign.
However, with the new transmitter, businesses can easily and cost-effectively take advantage of the ADDERLink Infinity solution without this costly step.”
The AdderLink Infinity 100T transmitter adds to the company’s existing product range, and works with the AfferLink Infinity Manager and AdderLink Infinity receivers. Adder says it will start shipping from mid-March 2018.