MSP 200PRO, an all-in-one AV generator and monitor toolset from RGBlink, contains advanced video testing and monitoring features that have previously been available from only a select few manufacturers.
All functions are controlled from the integrated touchscreen for easy operation and navigation. The touchscreen menu enables video source selection, output resolution setting, EDID setting, Genlock configuration, Time Code display, graphical signal analysis, as well as onboard video monitoring.
Video can be output from the range of standard built-in test patterns, or from USB media such as MP4, or custom still images. As standard, the unit also includes an input for an external HDMI source. This could be used for test video, or for MSP 200PRO to be used as an inline video monitor.
Output can be set to a wide range of resolutions and formats, with outputs for 3G-SDI, CVBS and DVI. The DVI output also supports HDMI and VGA signal transmission. With EDID configuration, there is also capability for testing downstream displays and other devices.
For broadcast and camera applications, the MSP 200PRO accepts and passes Genlock to output, and can also generate Genlock signals. Time Code output can be generated, and is displayed in Milliseconds. Time Code can both be displayed on the output (position adjustable) and on the MSP 200PRO display itself.
Pro AV analysis is also available, with graphs showing frequency distribution as a histogram, luminance, a vector display of chrominance, and also an audio frequency monitor.
Stand: 12-N35, 12-N36, 12-N37