KNX now has a virtual voice assistant in the form of Thinka with Amazon Echo. Thinka – which is the daughter company of Zilverline – has developed its first product for KNX to support Amazon Echo, and is designed to enable home owners to speak to their home automation systems, adding voice control for everything from lighting to climate control and occupancy sensors.
Michael Franken, CEO at Thinka, told the ISE Daily that end-users can simply “connect Thinka to your KNX and internet connection, buy three to five Amazon Echos and dot those around, and you can then use them to control whatever you need.”
Thinka has begun its journey with KNX and is also in development on wireless protocols, including Z-Wave and Philips U.
Franken noted: “We’re always focusing on the end-user experience. If you buy a Thinka, then the data and system are yours.
“We don’t mess with your data at all, and there is no subscription fee.”