In total, six Full HD BrightSign Media Players from Roku have been supplied for the exhibit by system integrator Visual Hardware Services (VHS) BV; each unit delivers 1080p resolution output to a video projector. Five of the BrightSign players are synchronised to the sixth, which operates as the master unit.
By dividing each screen into 24 zones (tiled six horizontally by four vertically), the exhibit – which tells the story of one of the Netherlands’ best-loved entertainers – simulates a long video wall of 108 individual displays.
According to VHS marketing and sales manager Ton Stoelinga: “BrightSign is the best product for the best price on the market today. With BrightSign we can provide a solution that would have cost easily twice or three times the amount required using other media players. And it is so versatile, we can adapt it to almost any project. It’s a universal media player for many, many applications.”
Surveying the overall European outlook for BrightSign, VP European sales Pierre Gillet told II: “Europe accounts for about 50% of the global sales of BrightSign. Adoption is growing rapidly in the region, and customers are being more and more creative in the way that they are using the technology, for example by adding interactivity. Beeld en Geluid is typical of the new breed of innovative European applications for BrightSign – European organisations of all kinds are using it to deliver directed content at low cost to a targeted audience.”