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Stand Design Awards’ winners to be revealed

Every stand on the ISE show floor is automatically entered and has been judged on site to create a list of finalists in each of the four size-based categories

The winners of the 2025 ISE Stand Design Awards will be announced during a ceremony on the Smart Home Technology Stage starting at 16:30 tomorrow (Thursday, February 6).

2024 winners (L-R): Emily Olson, editor of EXHIBITOR magazine; Edwin van der Vennet, owner, beMatrix; Mike Blackman, MD, ISE; Tom Samyn, sales director, Basalte; Paul Duggan, snr marketing manager, EMEA & APAC, Owl Labs

Created by Integrated Systems Europe to acknowledge ISE exhibitors and their stand-design efforts, the Stand Design Awards are managed solely by EXHIBITOR magazine. Every stand on the ISE show floor is automatically entered in to the free competition and has been judged on site during the show to create a list of finalists in each of the four size-based categories.

A group of world-renowned designers and marketers have been judging the finalists on site, assessing the stands against criteria including how effectively the stand communicates the name and purpose of the exhibiting company, product or brand, how it delivers an on-trend and/or impactful overall presence, and how it employs the allotted space and scale to convey key messages.

Four awards will be presented this evening, best small (30sqm or less), medium (31-69sqm), large (70-249sqm) and XL (250sqm or more) stand.

The Stand Design Awards take place tomorrow (Thursday, February 6) at 16:30 on the CEDIA Smart Home Technology Stage in Hall 2.