Meanwhile, The ISE Daily – the show’s official organ of record – is on the lookout for exciting product and company stories to feature in its print and electronic issues.
Following on from a highly successful 2008 instalment that drew more than 22,000 attendees and 484 exhibiting companies, Integrated Systems Europe 2009 will take place at the Amsterdam RAI from 3-5 February.
“The continued growth of ISE is a tribute not just to the strength of our event, but to the robustness of the professional AV and electronics system industry in Europe,” said Mike Blackman, managing director of Integrated Systems Events. “At a time when some other trade shows are experiencing a downturn in exhibitor interest, we are rapidly running out of prime spaces.”
Expect plenty of ISE-related announcements and previews on II during the next few weeks. In the meantime, all ISE 2009 exhibitors are being urged to make the most of the opportunities for free editorial coverage provided by The ISE Daily email newsletters and print issues.
“If you’re exhibiting at the show, please let The ISE Daily team know what you’ll be doing there – whether it’s launching new products, announcing new distribution arrangements, or speaking at seminars,” said Paddy Baker, editor of The ISE Daily and Installation Europe. “As the only daily publication produced and distributed at the event, The ISE Daily provides a great opportunity to spread the word about your involvement in the show.”
For more information on The ISE Daily in its email, online and print incarnations, please click here (PDF download).
Keep up to date with ISE-related news as it breaks at The ISE e-Daily homepage.
IMAGE CREDIT: Dan Goldstein