Receiving its official launch at ISE is Pathfinder, a KVM-over-IP platform from tvONE company Magenta Research.
Features of Pathfinder include Cross-Click and WindowView. Cross-Click allows the user to view and control up to 16 PCs at a single workstation with what tvONE claims is zero lag and no additional hardware by simply gliding a mouse across multiple monitors to the PC screen to be controlled. WindowView allows a 4K monitor to be split into a quad view to control and view PCs using only a single keyboard and mouse.
The company says that combining Cross-Click and WindowView on a single workstation creates a powerful, efficient and clean workflow. Other features include support for multi-head desktops and the ability to create user groups and individually defined rights to manage access to key data, along with security options such as no ‘backdoor’ access and USB lock-out.
Mark Armon, product manager of tvONE, said: “Our solution removes the need to compromise in order to achieve high performance functionality. Pathfinder is the perfect solution when performance and image quality really matter.”