For many of the 70,000+ visitors expected to attend ISE this year – not to mention the 1,000+ exhibitors – the show is unique as, increasingly, it combines what would once have been the discrete audiences of CEDIA and AVIXA. That’s certainly the case for Tom Back, co-founder of Alcons Audio.
“A couple of years ago, we started to address the residential market as well as our traditional commercial market, and ISE brings us both kind of visitors,” he said, going on to explain how Alcons’ pro-ribbon line-array technology uniquely crosses the borders between the two markets.
“We meet people at ISE who, frankly, we’d never meet at any other show,” Back explained.
Back is a firm believer in the marriage of audio and video to produce a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. Alcons is involved in providing the audio for ISE’s World Masters of Projection
Mapping event, and that belief in combining sound and video is equally represented on the Alcons stand in what Back calls “sound in context”.
The hourly presentation on the stand combines the capabilities of Astro Spatial Audio for production; projection by Sony; processing from Trinnov Audio; a screen supplied by DreamScreen; and acoustics from ShowTex.