For the first time at ISE, Mitsubishi Electric is featuring digital video systems from its Security Division. There is also a strong line-up of control room display technologies, including a brand new DLP rear projection cube, which are complemented by some real-world application examples demonstrated in conjunction with industry partners such as Bilfinger Mauell, Datapath, Advantech and Matrox Graphics.
The company’s new, slim profile DLP rear projection cube is designed for 24/7 control room applications requiring high-quality seamless displays in a compact format. The OPS-equipped VS-60HS12 is based on Mitsubishi’s unique air-cooled LED projection engine, which is claimed to deliver a lifespan of up to 50,000 hours with no maintenance.
Also being shown for the first time in Europe are the new 120 Series DLP cubes, a new range designed for budget-conscious control room applications that require a seamless rear projection display. The line-up includes 60 and 70in 16:9 wide models with Full HD (1080P) resolution.
There will also be examples of its Seventy Series DLP cubes, including its range of LED Replacement engines for legacy installations and its high-end LCD control room displays.