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Capital Summit: more seats available for inaugural finance and business forum

Following wide-scale demand for delegate places at the inaugural Capital Summit at ISE 2015 on the afternoon of 11 February, more delegate places have just been released following the event’s relocation into a larger conference space at the RAI, Amsterdam.

The Capital Summit will see financial and business experts from the world of investments, mergers, and acquisitions be questioned by two moderators on a range of topics in respect to the AV and systems integration marketplace.

The format of the day will allow plenty of time for delegate and panel interaction, plus there will be a networking drinks reception for delegates and panelists at the end of the afternoon’s debate.

Expert Finance and Business Panel

  • Charles Elkington, Investment Partner, Electra Partners LLP
  • Andreas Eriksson, Head of Strategy & Portfolio Management, Ericsson Broadcast and Media Services
  • Martin Green, Head of Business Development, Vitec Group PLC
  • Neil MacTaggart, CEO, Media Asset Capital
  • Stuart Mills, Head of Middle Market Financial Sponsor Coverage, HSBC
  • David Wilkins, President and CEO, X20 Media, a Barco Company


  • John Bowen, Managing Partner, MediaBridge Capital
  • John Stiernberg, President and Founder, Stiernberg Consulting

Topics to be covered include: – What investors look for in a company; How to find qualified investors and alliance partners; Do’s and don’ts of presenting your opportunity to investors; Examples of successful mergers and acquisitions in our industry; How to get started if you do not have an exit strategy

This event, in Room E102 from 13:00, is being co-hosted and moderated by MediaBridge Capital Advisors and Stiernberg Consulting. MediaBridge Capital is an international investment bank focusing on companies operating in media markets; Stiernberg Consulting is a specialist in business development services.

To register for The Capital Summitplease send an email with your details directly to Ilona Jacobi: