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University of Auckland takes on largest BSS Audio Soundweb London and CobraNet network in NZ

A total of 19 lecture areas use BSS Audio Soundweb London devices for audio mixing and room combining, while ten smaller lecture rooms each use a Soundweb London BLU-80 for room tuning and source mixing. In the facility’s two 600-seat theatres, the decision was taken to specify two BSS Audio Soundweb London BLU-80 12 x 4 devices, providing 24 inputs, with an extra eight inputs provided by a Crown CTs8200CN amplifier.

The Soundweb London BLU-80 devices were configured to provide EQ, matrix and time-alignment for each lecture theatre, and also allow for overflow feeds via CobraNet to the master control room, or to a dedicated record feed or video conferencing units. The use of a dedicated listen bus also enables technical staff to monitor audio feeds of the various lecture rooms from either the local control rooms or the master control room.

Via Pitney Bowes and ProVision, JANDS NZ supplied a grand total of 22 BSS Audio Soundweb London BLU-80 12 x 4, seven BSS Audio Soundweb London BLU-32 12 x 4, 12 Crown CTs8200CN, two Crown CTs4200CN and 124 Crown PZM20R microphones.