InfoComm has announced an Academy Day of AV/IT education in London. The event, which will take place at Chandos House, Queen Anne Street on November 10, will feature presentations on information communications technologies and, more importantly, the application of these ICT technologies. The sessions will cover fibre optics and IP networking for media AV professionals as well as digital media and connectivity.
The day will start at 10 a.m. with the programme consisting of a morning seminar, lunch, followed by two afternoon seminars, then ending the day with a networking drinks reception. Tea, coffee and snacks will be provided throughout the day.
The agenda is as follows:
10:00 a.m. Coffee
10:30 a.m. Digital Media and Connectivity — AMX Europe
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Insight into AV/IT Fibre Optic Systems Implementation — Frank Sheehan, Visual Acuity
2:30 p.m. Coffee
3:00 p.m. IP Networking for AV Professionals — Kieran Walsh, Audinate
4:30 p.m. Networking drinks reception
Non-member price is £60, with a member price of £40. 50% InfoComm Edubucks may be applied.
The London Academy Day is sponsored by AMX Europe.