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Historic E-V install at Dubai Meydan complex

The massive project at Dubai’s Meydan Racecourse involved 4,500 EVID ceiling loudspeakers as well as a host of other equipment from Electro-Voice.

The massive project at Dubai’s Meydan Racecourse involved 4,500 EVID ceiling loudspeakers as well as a host of other equipment from Electro-Voice.

The latest high-profile landmark to be added to the Arab Emirate of Dubai, the Meydan City complex encompasses a five-star hotel, a marina and the Meydan Racecourse. Capable of accommodating more than 60,000 spectators at a time, the Meydan Racecourse features an audio installation based around 4,500-plus Electro-Voice loudspeakers and a fully-redundant CobraNet infrastructure employing 43 N800 NetMax Digital Matrix Controllers and 114 CPS multi-channel amps.

The audio installation was carried out by Dubai-based service provider Almoe AV Systems with a team headed by Dave McMahon and project manager Zahid Abbas. As Abbas observed, “there are 21 remote racks in Meydan and the tricky part was to use the building’s network infrastructure for the vertical network and a new installed horizontal network to cater for the system.”

The network infrastructure with several interleaved and connected sub-networks was specifically tailored to the project’s topology. The network controllers and multi-channel amps were integrated into one comprehensive IRIS-Net software file with individual GUIs for convenient operation and supervision. These GUIs cover both the racecourse and the hotel, including such locations as the VIP, bar, dining and pool areas.

“Three months after the installation, we are extremely satisfied with the sound system. Again, Electro-Voice proved to be the right choice,” said Abbas.