Funktion-One has announced the appointment of Bangkok-based Audio Gears as its distributor for Thailand and Vietnam. Audio Gears, according to Funktion-One, is well positioned to distribute its products as it has strong connections in local markets.

Audio Gears has a team of engineers and technicians with expertise in audio production, installation and maintenance services, working under the guidance of technical director Attaporn ‘Smile’ Sanguanphak, pictured left.
COO and co-founder, Audio Gears, Bob Siripremanant, pictured right, said: “We are live sound engineers who are passionate about audio production and have used and listened to all the major speaker brands available in the market. We know the quality that we are looking for and have found that quality in Funktion-One’s products.”
Audio Gears was founded by Jesada ‘Jack’ Pattanatabut as CEO, pictured centre, owner of event production company JSS Production, and an experienced live sound engineer, in partnership with Siripremanant, owner of After Miracle Plus Company, a live events company. Between them, they have more than 60 years’ experience in pro audio rentals, live sound and concert production management, both in Thailand and the wider Southeast Asia region.
Pattanatabut added: “We want to tell everyone in Thailand and Vietnam, especially the club, bar and hotel managers and owners, as well as audio rental companies, that the wait is over – an exclusive Funktion-One distributor is now officially open and 100% active on the ground in Thailand and Vietnam. We look forward to supporting all your requests and requirements.”
Andrew Low, director of business development, Funktion-One, said: “We are delighted to welcome Audio Gears as our distributor for two very important markets. They understand and believe in the Funktion-One approach to audio excellence. We look forward to working with them to deliver exciting projects in the region.”