The visualiser market is forecast to reach a value of almost $200 million across the US and Western Europe in 2010, according to new research from Futuresource Consulting.
“Next year, more visualisers will be sold in the US than interactive whiteboards,” said Colin Messenger, senior consultant at Futuresource, “and although one out of every eight classrooms in the US already has a visualiser, we’re going to see that figure skyrocket to one in three by 2011. This technology is really beginning to take a foothold in the schools ICT marketplace.”
Though the product category has been in the market for some time, Futuresource says that total sales have been very low: visualisers are often ‘follow-on’ products and become implemented in the later stages of school IT initiatives, so the opportunity is far greater today. The company says that most major interactive manufacturers now have a visualiser line in place to complement their portfolio.
“In technology-oriented schools, the interactive whiteboard is the hub of the classroom, with additional technologies and devices allied to it,” continued Messenger. “In addition to the visualiser, audio packages, voting systems and tablets are all emerging as classroom equipment. We see a lot of growth in the visualiser market and I predict that it will continue to develop for the next three years at least.”
Futuresource Consulting’s new annual visualiser market report is now available, covering the US, UK and Western Europe. The report provides product and regional overviews, brands analysis, types of visualisers and their applications, classroom penetration and case studies.