The Japan Science Foundation (JSF) has recently invested in an impressive Barco OverView OLS-721 videowall at the Science Museum in Tokyo.
Founded in 1964, the museum has always been dedicated to promoting the public understanding of science and technology, and with its unique location near the Imperial Palace, outer space-like exterior walls and star-shaped architecture, it is hard to miss. The institution, has welcomed an increasing number of families in recent years, and the JSF is constantly renewing and updating its exhibits.
JSF was looking to install a large, high-resolution display that could truly immerse visitors in one of the building’s many large rooms. Because the lighting in the room cannot be controlled, a front-projection screen was not an option.
This specific requirement – and earlier positive experiences with Barco on several projects – led JSF to the OverView OLS-721 rear-projection LED videowall. With its simple configuration, small footprint, 7,680 x 2,160 resolution, seamless screen and high brightness, this powerful solution managed to solve all of JSF’s concerns while creating a memorable experience for science aficionados.