The 4U rack-mount DMM-100-FR frame can accommodate up to eight gateway blades offering eight DVB-S2/S transponder/polarisations. Both TV and radio channels – free-to-air or encrypted – are delivered in original source quality as Unicast or Multicast IPTV streams.
The cards can be hot-swapped and hot-plugged during operation, and the configuration of the DVB-IPTV headend for different DVB input signals can be freely selected and different input cards combined. All components are designed for 24/7 continuous operation; the cards are said to be extremely robust with no moving parts (such as fans or hard drives) and are easy to configure via the network using software as well as locally with an optional plug-in control panel.
The output streams are based on MPEG-2 and H.264/AVC formats and conform to ISO/IEC standards ensuring modules are compatible with standard IPTV set-top boxes.