Sony has added five new projectors to its display portfolio, one of which incorporates the company’s latest 3LCD laser technology. The company has also launched its first 4K ultra short throw laser projector, the VPL-GTZ1 4K.
The full line up includes the VPL-GTZ1 4K ultra-short throw laser projector; the large venue SRX-T423 with 3D and 4K capabilities; the company’s newest laser projector, the VPL-FHZ700L; and the budget C-Series, which comprises the VPL-CH355 and VPL-CH375 models.
The VPL-FHZ700L (pictured) incorporates Sony’s latest 3LCD laser light source technology. The 7000-lumen projector is designed for applications within large venue commercial spaces in education, corporate and museums. It offers 20,000 hours of light source operation, instantaneous power on/off and a constant brightness mode for extended projection times – particularly useful in meeting rooms, classrooms, auditorium and large venue occasions. The device also comes with an optional HDBaseT board.
Sony’s first 4K ultra-short throw laser light source projector, the VPL-GTZ1, is designed for a range of B2B and commercial applications including museums, design simulation, signage, oil and gas, simulation and training and videowall applications. The device combines Sony’s 4K SXRD imaging technology with a laser phosphor light source. The result is a 2,000 lumens projector, which can throw high-res images up to approximately 160in (4m) diagonal when installed 9in from the screen, down to 66in (1.7m) when installed zero inches from the screen. Such close proximity enables presenters to stand directly in front of projected content.
The C-Series incorporates VPL-CH355 and VPL-CH375, which have both been designed for lower-budget applications in education and corporate markets. Sony believes the pair will provde more options to channel partners and customers alike. The devices feature WUXGA resultion in the same chassis and include HDBaseT and optional wireless for wider connectivity capabilities.
The SRX-T423 offers 23,000 lumens (30,000 in high brightness mode), making it the highest brightness projector in the entire Sony portfolio. The dual projection system is designed for installation flexibility in large-venue commercial applications such as the fields of entertainme, auditorium/lecture hall presentations, simulation, museums and planetariums. The 4K resolution (4096 x 2160) projector more than doubles the light efficiency of competitive 3D systems, with 40,000 lumens of 3D brightness in dual projection mode. In addition to its high brightness, it delivers a contrast ratio of 3,000:1.