Digital signage specialist BrightSign will be hoping to pick up the Teamwork award at next month’s InstallAwards for its quick work automating the display of exchanges rates in Western Union International Bank’s 40 German and Austrian branches.
“We are enormously excited to have been shortlisted for the prestigious Install Awards,” commented Thomas Zraunig, project manager at Western Union International Bank. “Digital Signage was a new venture for Western Union International Bank GmbH, we are proud of the fast roll-out we achieved with the BrightSign players and the difference that the installation has made to our business.”
A total of 58 BrightSign XD solid-state digital signage players were rolled out to payment services for display of exchange rates.
“Providing exchange rate information that is updated automatically and is always correct and aligned with the point of sale systems has saved our branch staff a huge and time-consuming task, and gives our corporate management the reassurance that we always provide customers with correct information,” finished Zraunig.
Pierre Gillet, VP International Sales, BrightSign added: “Western Union was a demanding project with a fast roll out to branches throughout Central Europe. We are delighted that Installation has featured this project in its prestigious awards, and congratulate Western Union on their success with the program.”