Christie has signed an agreement with the Spanish cinema chain, Odeon Multicines, to install Christie Solaria projectors and Christie Vive Audio sound systems throughout its new 12-screen multiplex in Madrid.
“This will make it the most advanced complex of its kind in Spain and the first in the country to be completely equipped with Christie Vive Audio and Dolby Atmos together in every auditorium,” commented Adil Zerouali, Christie director for cinema, Europe.
The new complex in Sambil Outlet will seat 2,400 people, and the screens will cover a total floor area of 4,500sqm on the second floor of the mall.
Two of the screens in the multiplex will be equipped with the 3DLP 4K RGB Christie Solaria CP42LH laser projector in 3P single-head configuration. Anchored by the Christie Freedom laser illumination system, the CP42LH reproduces a colour spectrum that exceeds DCI P3 specifications and complies with the Rec. 2020 colour space.
The rest of the screens will use 4K xenon lamp projectors from the Christie Solaria Series, including the Christie CP4220 models. The projectors will also support passive 3D cinema and use a mix of Christie and Dolby IMBs.
All 12 screens will feature Dolby Atmos sound management and Christie Vive Audio speakers and amps, which will make Odeon Multicines Sambil Outlet the only multiplex in Spain and the second in Europe with all screens fitted out with these two immersive and emotive sound technologies. Christie Vive Audio Class D amplifiers, line array speakers, subwoofers, surround sound and ceiling mounted speakers will be used throughout to unlock DCI potential for Dolby Atmos.
Luis Carlos Millán López, owner of Odeon Multicines, explained: “Our goal is to introduce the latest technological advances that will guarantee our spectators the very best sound and image. We were bowled over when we saw Christie laser projectors, the unmatched brightness, quality and realism of the 3D. Now we’ve decided to make the leap to laser in our new complex in Madrid, which will be the most advanced in Spain thanks to the latest cinema technology from world leading brands like Christie and Dolby.”
Miguel Ángel Piqueras, manager of Ingevideo (who will carry out the install), added: “We are delighted to be on board such a far-reaching enterprise. Coupling Christie RGB laser projectors with Vive Audio and Dolby Atmos systems will make Odeon Multicines Sambil Outlet the cinema complex with the best image and sound in the whole of Spain, giving it an edge over the competition.”