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BrightSign players deliver personalised training

BrightSign’s 4K digital signage players have been integrated into FunXtion Experience Stations to deliver interactive and personalised training experiences in over 150 gyms in seven countries.

The FunXtion Experience Station adds new interactivity to the experience of visiting a gym, under the control of BrightSign’s newest XT1143 4K players. Created by Notice Branded Media, Experience Station offers a personalised virtual coaching system, enabling users to track and trace their workouts. They can also workout in groups, with two or more screens providing synchronised video content under the control of the players. Users log in using an RFID wristband, and find a personalised range of functional exercises, gamified workouts, challenges and timers. Experience Station consists of a 55in screen, which can also be controlled by touch.

Ernst de Neef, Energizer and Fun Creator as well as a founder of FunXtion, said: “Our vision is ‘play and have fun’ and from the start we wanted Experience Station to be a game as well as a training aid. This meant moving away from a screen pushing general content to encouraging the customer to interact and allowing them to workout as a social group if they want. Experience Station is used by all ages, but is aimed at millennials. The BrightSign player at the heart of the station is the centre of an ecosystem, which includes an integrated My FunXtion App as well as an online account accessible from the desktop. We not only provide a personal training record but also offer the opportunity to get social and connect with a group of users.”

FunXtion initially piloted the concept with gyms in the Netherlands where 100 stations are now in use. Take up worldwide is growing, with over 50 gyms in the UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Spain ordering Experience Stations.

Hans de Boer, account director of Notice Branded Media, comented: “The BrightSign player manages the whole experience. It recognises the customer through the RFID wristband, selects and delivers the appropriate training videos from a library of over 1,000 held on the player, and monitors the progress of training for example through the customer’s heartbeat. When not in use, Experience Station displays video content which could include advertising.”

The FunXtion Experience Station was initially created using BrightSign 4K1042 players, but since the launch of BrightSign Series 3 players, Notice has moved to the XT1143, bringing a number of advantages.