Ina EXPERT, the main department for audio-video and new media at France’s Ina (l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel) has chosen Riedel MediorNet to interconnect its technical facilities and distribute broadcast signals and intercom for professional training purposes.
In order to provide media resource sharing between the various production areas at Ina EXPERT, MediorNet supports the real-time transport of all types of signals including 3G/HD/SDI video, cameras, audio, Ethernet, RS data, GPIO, sync, and intercom. An optical fibre ring was installed between the various control rooms and TV studios at Ina EXPERT. A MediorNet Modular frame was integrated into the main control room with MediorNet Compact frames in all other locations.
TDM (time-division multiplexing) integrated into MediorNet optimises the bandwidth on the fibre, while optical WDM (wavelength-division multiplexing) was selected in order to limit the number of fibre cables and to provide a common interface with complementary equipment that might be hired for larger projects. With its fibre network architecture, the MediorNet solution not only allows real-time transport but also routing capabilities for each video or audio signal to one or several outputs. This benefit of point-to-multipoint routing was a key feature for this project.
MediorNet also has integrated broadcast quality signal processing tools including frame synchroniser, audio embedder/de-embedder, video test generator, on-screen display, timecode inserter, video conversion (up-, down-, and crossconversion), and quad split. As an example, the Ina EXPERT engineers are able to create a quad split with video signals from any inputs on the MediorNet network and then send it to any video output, all in real-time.
“Our MediorNet network operates on a 760m optical ring. The TV studios and control rooms are interconnected, giving each access to the available media resources that it needs including video channels, remote control of the video servers, conversions of formats, etc,” said Gilles Forlen, multimedia engineer at Ina EXPERT. “The possibilities are such as we can implement a practical exercise for the trainees using two TV studios and one control room, just as the TV broadcasters do it. We can also rent a fibre connection from our site in Issy-les-Moulineaux in order to tie in that studio with our Bry-sur-Marne facilities. I am sure that all our trainers will make the most of this set-up.”