The most popular church in Daegu, South Korea has upgraded its sound system with a wide range of speaker solutions from French manufacturer Amadeus. C2 Corp, one of Amadeus’ Korean importers, worked with installers Polyworx Audio and Barun Systems to update the ageing sound system.
“In the first phase of the project, C2 Corp was involved as an AV consultant for general design and project supervision,” said Dongyup KWAK, CEO of C2 Corp. “After many discussions, we chose the Amadeus speaker line to fulfil the audio and architectural requirements for the church.”
“Daegu Full Gospel Church has a ceiling that could not bear a lot of weight, and there were colour matching issues as well, however, Amadeus was able to provide perfect solutions for each issue,” Dongyup KWAK added. “The Amadeus sound system is very small in size but offers a very clean and powerful sound. This worked perfectly with the limitations on weight for hanging from the ceiling.”
Donghun KWON, the CEO Barun Systems, commented: “Barun System had a big challenge with this install. Initially we were not sure that the Amadeus system would be able to fill the large church space, but after installation, we felt the compact Amadeus DIVA XS was a brilliant and smart solution!”
Polyworx Audio was involved as an installation and system provider, Polyworx Audio CEO, Sungyong KWON said: “The Amadeus system has a standard audio prediction program, EASE-Focus, it turned out to be quite accurate and the result satisfied all the contributors, including most importantly Rev. Geonho LEE of the Daegu Full Gospel Church.”