Taking part in its fourth ISE is German large format screen/projector distributor Kern & Stelly. The company derives around 90% of its business from dealers in Germany, according to the company’s Heiko Wűlfken, with the remainder coming from Austria and Switzerland.
“We’re here to give our dealers the chance to see the latest products we’re ranging,” said Wűlfken. “It’s the ideal opportunity, as we’re surrounded by the vendors we deal with.”
As well as taking the opportunity to host its existing dealer network, Kern & Stelly is looking for new dealers.
What does Wűlfken think his company offers to a prospective customer?
“At the end of the day, we offer similar products at similar prices as many of our competitors,” he replied. “The things that set us apart are our large stock holding, meaning that we can offer very quick delivery – but, more important than that, we believe what our dealers most value about us is that we’re a young, flexible and responsive company – we’ll always try to make things possible.”
“Our whole focus is on our customers, and we think that way of doing business is what’s allowed us to grow from five people when we started out ten years ago to 38 today.”
“We must be doing something right,” smiled Wűlfken.