Hosted by futurist Amelia Kallman, the Smart Workplace Summit is being held as a standalone event for the first time at ISE 2022. It is the only conference that brings together perspectives from the three different worlds that collide to make the smart workplace.
These are the digital workplace of the IT industry which improves the employee experience; the encompassing workplace of facility managers which controls much of the office environment; and the workplace experiences that the AV industry has brought to meeting rooms, lobbies and open spaces.
With eyes on returning to the office, companies and organisations need solutions now: they need solutions that make their offices safe for workers and visitors, their remote workers more productive, and their employee experiences more attractive.
Content chair Bob Snyder cited the example of AI and the Internet of Things: “People want to feel safe at work in an office and so the workplace environment is stepping up with innovations. As artificial intelligence is integrated with building systems and IoT devices, it has the potential to improve occupant experience, increase operational efficiency, and optimise space and asset utilisation.”
As well as hosting the Summit, Kallman will also deliver a keynote on Future Challenges & XR Solutions.
“With so much recent focus on remote working, we can’t lose sight of other coming challenges set to disrupt the future of work,” she said. “From Gen-Z entering the workforce, to the crisis of attention affecting all of us, I’ll be addressing these issues, as well as how XR technologies (and their supporting technologies) can provide sustainable solutions. We’ll look at the XR tipping point for enterprise, as well as what’s hype, what’s not, and best practices for future-proofing strategies.”
Kallman added that ISE’s conferences and summits “really contextualise the impact and application opportunities of new solutions, as well as provide the opportunity to connect with our peers. Attendees walk away with a clear roadmap for the year ahead and the confidence to achieve those goals.”
The Smart Workplace Summit runs from 15:00-19:00 on Tuesday 1 February at the Conference Area in Hall 5. For more information and to register, go to