A new industrial market segment has been announced by the AVnu Alliance, the industry consortium driving open standards-based deterministic networking through certification. Standard Ethernet continues to expand its range, functionality and applications with the evolution of the Audio Video Bridging (AVB) standard into Time Sensitive Networking (TSN). AVnu says that the new capabilities of TSN provide the industrial community with the ability to use standard Ethernet to support highly reliable and precise synchronised networking appropriate for industrial control.
With this expansion into the industrial control market, the Alliance has announced three new members: Belden, General Electric, and National Instruments. The industrial segment is also supported by existing AVnu Alliance members such as Broadcom, Cisco, Intel, Interval Zero, Marvell, Micrel, Vitesse, Xilinx and XMOS.
The Alliance has previously announced support for TSN in automotive applications such as drive-by-wire and autonomous driving. The industrial market, which parallels work that AVnu Alliance members have been doing in the automotive segment, is a $150 billion a year market space and creates a pathway to the future of the Internet of Things, the Alliance says.