Now available to download, the ISE Daily Preview digital edition is an invaluable resource to help you plan your trip to the Fira. Find out what’s on during each day of ISE, discover new features such as the Audio Demo Rooms and Content Production & Distribution Technology Zone, and explore show floor features, including Congress Square and the CEDIA Home Technology Stage.
We have exclusive insight from each of the conference chairs, sharing the trends and themes shaping the conference programme for 2023 and revealing some of the speakers who’ll be educating and entertaining attendees.
We also speak to representatives of SAVe and Women in Live Music who will be making their home in the Impact Lounge at ISE 2023, as well as to keynote speaker BK Johannessen, Unreal Engine Business Director for Broadcast and Live Events at Epic Games.
AVIXA and CEDIA share their plans for the show, including their extensive conference and professional development schedules, while Presenting Show Partner KNX also tells us what to expect on their stand.
You can view and download your free copy below.