The inaugural Immersive Technology Zone is sure to get your pulse racing with its array of virtual environments for visitors to explore, encompassing virtual, augmented and mixed reality.
The environments provide an understanding of how these technologies differ and the business challenges they can help overcome.
The Driver Sim – showcasing the enhanced impact of VR when combined with perfectly synched motion and audio – is just one of four experiences presented by experiential designers Holovis.
Users wear a head-mounted display and sit in a motion platform driver rig. All content is rendered in real time so as people take corners, slip off course or break suddenly, every bump, skid and acceleration is replicated by the motion platform, making people feel like they are really experiencing the adventure.
Driving is a classic and heavily commoditised use of VR, but Holovis is sharing insight into how this is being used to simulate real-world environments, with one of the most compelling cases being to demonstrate the risk of fatigue while driving.
While relevant for everyone, this concept is being championed within the building industry, with people coming off site after long days having been identified as a high-risk group for fatigue-induced motor accidents.
The actual roads upon which they travel can be rendered in real time by the Holovis Media team. With all senses catered for in a immersive environment, from vision to audio with SFX and perfect motion alignment, they quickly fall into believing they are really there.
An operator can then, at any time, deliver the moment of jeopardy, with a crash simulated in a safe but highly realistic environment, that makes the dangers clear in the most hard-hitting way.