The FRDY@ISE programme at the first-ever four-day ISE begins with a Keynote presentation by renowned physicist and futurist Dr Michio Kaku.
This will take place in the Forum at 9:00 on Friday, and registration is now open.
Entitled ‘The Road to Perfect Capitalism’, it will discuss the impact of Moore’s Law and the effect that the internet ‘everywhere and nowhere’ will have; exciting and, perhaps, bewildering developments that will change the way we live our lives.
A professor of theoretical physics, Dr Kaku is a recognised expert in Einstein’s unified field theory; a populariser of science with three New York Times best-sellers to his name; and a futurist with unparalleled skill in predicting trends affecting business, commerce and finance.
Dr Kaku told the ISE Daily that the emergence of chips that cost about a penny “in the coming decades” will lead the way to a world where the internet is “everywhere and nowhere”. Just as electricity is prevalent everywhere we go today, chips – and more importantly intelligence – will be “woven into our clothing, walls, ceilings, floors – we won’t even think about it really. You’ll just walk into a room, talk to whatever, and things will talk back to you.”
You can read the full interview in Thursday’s edition of the ISE Daily. Make sure you catch Dr Kaku in the Forum at 9:00 on Friday morning.
To register for the Friday Keynote, go to https://www.iseurope.org/friday-keynote