Get connected at ISE 2019 with the AV industry’s trusted hub for professional training, market intelligence, certification, and all things related to creating amazing human experiences with technology. Meet AVIXA at Stand 12-N110, between halls 10, 11 and 12, to chat with a regional rep or see what we’re about in events during the week.
Break up your busy schedule to pop by our Open House, an easy way to fuel up on sweet treats and caffeine when you need it the most. You’ll find us “getting Gezellig” with delicious stroopwafels, ice cream and barista-style coffee on the stand between 15:00-16:00 on Tuesday, 5 February and Thursday, 7 February.
Here’s what’s up with AVIXA in Amsterdam…
If you hold Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) certification, you can take the opportunity to earn those all-important renewal units while in Amsterdam. Topping up your RUs at ISE 2019 is easy; AVIXA’s deep-dive half-day conferences earn attendees 4 RUs each, whilst 20-minute FlashTrack sessions earn attendees 0.5 RUs each. By attending two conferences and four FlashTrack sessions, you could earn 10 RUs to count towards your certification renewal, all while at ISE! German-language speakers note our special “CTS auf Deutsch” announcement below!
The full education schedule is available to view on www.iseurope.org/professional-development-avixa
If you’re based in the EMEA region, we’ve got a dedicated reception just for you later today — it’s a perfect opportunity to network with our regional membership advisors and education program experts, as well as meetup with your industry peers. Current AVIXA members and prospective members are invited! Join AVIXA at Stand 12-N110, Wednesday, 6 February from 17:00-18:00 for drinks and light snacks after a long day.
Discover what AVIXA basic membership has to offer you while at ISE. A free membership can turn your skills into opportunities and provide you with free education and exciting experiences. Use your membership to keep up with industry news and technology breakthroughs by subscribing to e-newsletters and updates, advance your career with continuing education and networking opportunities, and reach your goals with AVIXA career planning tools. Visit stand 12-N110 to talk to your regional rep about what membership can offer you or visit membership.avixa.org to explore while at the show.
Be Inspired
Bringing together women in AV from all over the globe, the AVIXA Women’s Council Meetup will also take place today (Wednesday, 6 February) from 17:30-18:30 at AVIXA’s FlashTracks Stand 13-N110. All are welcome to join, discuss challenges and contribute to this dynamic support network of industry professionals.
An exciting addition to the show floor this year is the Main Stage theatre in hall 8, where AVIXA is set to host an engaging programme of talks each day. These mini sessions will give award-winning integrators the platform to talk about their standout projects including challenges faced, standards achieved and successful outcomes. AVIXA staff members will also take to the stage to provide inspiration and market insights to attendees, from hospitality to retail.
You can read more about AVIXA’s presence at ISE 2019 on www.avixa.org/meet-avixa-at-ise-2019