InfoComm International changed its name to AVIXA, the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association, with the emphasis switching from technology to experience and solutions. How has this change been received within the industry?
It has been received overwhelmingly positively. The more people hear the story behind the name, and understand that it’s so much more than just a name change, the more support they give to it. What we’re doing is celebrating AV as a profession and what we do as an industry.
We love technology, but it joins technology, content as one of three levers. In the space where these two are delivered, you need to deliver an exceptional experience.
It’s now also easier to have conversations with those who are not clearly defining themselves as being part of our industry today.
How is AVIXA promoting the AV industry?
Part of our mission is to be a catalyst for growth for the AV industry. I have spent the last year going around different vertical market events. I’ve been to events in many places including, Chicago, New Orleans and Berlin, focusing on meeting the decision makers in four key industries – financial services, retail, higher education and hospitality. I gave presentations and talked about the strategic value of AV.
If people see the impact AV can have on their business, then they will invest more in it. This year, we’ve added transportation and sports and entertainment. We have invested nearly $1 million in this process and will continue with this level of investment.
What do see as the key themes for ISE 2018?
ISE is the largest gathering of AV professionals in the world. It’s an extraordinary coming together of passionate people who are interested in driving this industry forward. One of the things you can see on our booth is how AV can change the way people experience the world.
I truly believe that as industry, we can make the world a better place, because what we do is to connect people, and the greater that connection, the less turmoil in the world. It’s something we should recognise and be proud of what we do.
What are the opportunities for the AV industry?
The world is being compressed by communications technology. We seem to be shifting as a workforce, and as customers; we are demanding more experiences and engaging with life more deeply.
That is all enabled and enhanced by AV. When we base our future as an industry on helping employees being more engaged with their company, helping people solve problems more effectively, enhancing an experience that brings people into retail stores or entertainment venues, or helping them move through transportation systems, that has as much future as human beings have. The future is so bright for our industry.