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PLASA announces new training events

PLASA has announced a new series of professional development training events for 2020. PLASA’s training events have been developed in line with the current business climate and aim to deliver industry specific skills and knowledge.

The first event of the season looks at upcoming employment law updates, taking place at ETC’s premises in London on 25th March. HR professional Nicky Gleadow will ensure delegates are aware of their obligations and that their businesses are compliant with the legislation changes which will be in place from April.

Nicky Gleadow will also present a workshop on mental health and diversity for employers at Shure’s premises in London on 16th April. This session will help employers understand how to promote good mental health in the workplace and ensure employees are not subject to discrimination.

Later in the season, James Eade will present the IET code of practice on in-service inspection and testing of electrical equipment on 2nd July at PSAV’s premises in Uxbridge. Delegates will learn the fundamental requirements of PAT testing and how to put them into practice.

Also to come is a workshop looking at CDM applied to live events, led by production manager and chartered safety practitioner Tom Goode. The date and location will be confirmed shortly.