A colossal kinetic art display wows science and technology’s elite in the foyer of The Alexandria Center for Life Science, located in the heart of New York City. Dataton’s Watchout multi-image presentation software has been used by esteemed Niles Creative Group for a colossal 50 by 5 feet-high digital video display in the foyer of The Alexandria Center for Life Science, an international hub for collaboration and innovation located the heart of New York City.
“Niles Creative Group was sought out by Alexandria Real Estate Equities to design a colossal kinetic art display that creates a spectacular and unexpected visual experience in the guest lobby,” said David Niles. “We designed the content delivery system and its respective technology to mirror the innovation in science and talent that the centre provides.” The impressive display is made up of 34 seamless LCD panels with content managed by Dataton Watchout and servers supplied by Show Sage. Show control for the system is performed by Medialon.@page_break@
“Since installation, the intuitive display has worked very well. We’ve designed the system so that it can turn itself on and off and it even changes and selects its own video content. Our expert engineers sometimes log in remotely to change content and even the client is using the system with a custom-designed touchscreen interface to add local or staff information on to the Watchout timeline if needed.” The marble wall that exists in the lobby was duplicated for the screen, so that when the display is in its passive mode it naturally blends into its surrounding environment. The overall content for the screen is abstract and artistic style and thematically centres on the “life sciences. All content was designed and created by Niles Creative Group. “To manage the content, we’re using the conditional layer feature of Watchout which allows content on different layers on the timeline to be switched on and off,” said Niles. “Watchout is packed full of features for multi-image display production and Niles Creative Group really knows how to use its full potential. The Alexandria Center is no exception,” said Fredrik Svahnberg, marketing director at Dataton.
Jim Testa, president of Show Sage, the Watchout Premium Partner in North America, added: “Show Sage was on hand to provide Niles Creative with the expert local back up and support for this project and I’m pleased to say that the system has worked very well since installation, which is true testament to the flexibility and reliability of Watchout.” The Alexandria Center for Life Science is designed to foster unique and innovative collaborations among New York’s world-renowned academic and medical institutions, pre-eminent scientific talent, top-tier investment capital, and the broad and diverse commercial life science industry and to speed the translation of promising new life science discoveries “from bench to bedside.” It is New York’s first and only premier life science park in New York City and addresses New York’s need for state-of-the-art commercial laboratory space. Photos: The Alexandria Center for Life Science, Niles Creative Group www.dataton.com
Watchout wows visitors to New York’s Alexandria Center for Life Science
A colossal kinetic art display wows science and technology’s elite in the foyer of The Alexandria Center for Life Science, located in the heart of New York City.