Staged at the Clydebank Town Hall, near Glasgow, the event provided a platform for testing the capabilities of Vieta’s new wireless technology at the same time as exploring the artistic opportunities such technology can create. Ten So Cubes were used on the event, working with two So-1101 16-channel transmitters. Some of the 70 performers walked round the Hall carrying wireless So Cubes, moving the sound sources among the audience. Other Cubes remained in static positions around the floor area of the Hall; all equipment was provided by Vieta’s UK distributor KV2 Audio.
”The intention was to create an ambient soundfield that had a uniform sound level but came from nowhere in particular,” explains sound designer Chrys Lindop. ”The general idea and approach worked very well. We were easily able to achieve amplification without directionality, producing a uniform sound level across a wide area.”
Vieta’s So Line system has been designed to provide high-quality evenly-dispersed sound in situations where traditional systems are not appropriate.