Integrator Working Wall has completed a radical overhaul of the display systems at the National Traffic Control Centre, near Birmingham. Using the latest Seventy Series display wall cubes from Mitsubishi Electric, the entire project was completed in just five days on site, with the centre remaining fully operational throughout.
The National Traffic Control Centre (NTCC) is the nerve centre of the UK’s motorway network. Built in 2003, the centre continuously monitors the UK’s arterial roads, providing real-time information on congestion, helping to manage incidents and minimise delays. The main control room display – originally installed by Working Wall – employed a 2.4m x 1.8m rear projection screen and 24 CRT monitors to visualise the network, monitor CCTV and track data from numerous sources around the country. In response to the increasingly complex monitoring tasks being undertaken at the centre, in 2008 site owners, the Highways Agency, decided to upgrade the display system to take advantage of the latest developments in 3Ci display architecture.
The eight cube display delivers a 5.4m x 2m image, which can be easily configured into multiple smaller windows on demand by selecting one of five preset display formats programmed by Working Wall using a Crestron controller. A total of 32 direct feeds from roadside CCTV cameras can be combined with a variety of PC inputs, web data, off-air TV/audio and teletext to create an extremely versatile and powerful workspace.