Inaugurated in 1982, the 19,000-plus-seat Ernest-Wallon Stadium is the home ground of rugby club Stade Toulousain – one of Europe’s greatest rugby clubs, and the record-holder for French Championship titles.
“Before this upgrade, the stadium only had a display showing the score during the match. For the new system, the customer was searching for a display system that would remain ergonomic and that would also allow PIPs,” said Fr_d_ric Mouret, Euroson Toulouse agency’s managing director.
The new display solution was specified to convey a variety of information and visual material – including scores, stopwatch countdowns, advertisements and replays – and is based around two 35sqm Daktronics external LED walls, fed by an Analog Way Di-VentiX hi-res computer and video mixer/seamless switcher and its RKD8022-T remote controller.
“For this specific project, we had to propose a system that would answer all the needs of the stadium, such as displaying the score during the entire match, broadcasting partner’s advertisements, as well as live images or replays. Thanks to the Di-VentiX we can handle different sources and formats,” commented Mouret. “We picked the Di-VentiX for this project because we know that product very well and we have been working with Analog Way products for a long time.”
Surveying the overall installation, Stade Toulousain administration officer Julien Rueda declared the club to be “very satisfied”, adding that “the large screens offer a better comfort for the public and allow greater exposure for our partners. These elements tend to animate the match, but also the period before and after the match, turning the game into an element that is part of an entertaining day for our public.”
Picture: Calduch/Rigaud