Specialist technical furniture maker TeamMate’s new WorksZone Interactive is an interactive table that can turn into a drafting table or a whiteboard.
It is based around Epson’s Ultra Short Throw interactive projector, displaying a 60in image. This is mounted on a versatile table that is stable enough for almost any activity, but can be adjusted in height from 75cm to 1.8m and tilts all the way to vertical.
“The table top splits, so it can be easily wheeled through doorways without dismantling,” explained David Botting, TeamMate’s MD (pictured). He says that the WorksZone Interactive will be ideal for truly collaborative working, as well as teaching or presentations – where it can send its output to another screen. It is also useful in the rough and tumble of a classroom, as liquid can be spilt on the table without affecting it.
It will be available at the end of March for about £5,250.