The Suffolk Theater in historic downtown Riverhead, New York, recently opened its doors for the first time since 1987. The newly designed venue is replete with a 21st Century AV and lighting system incorporating a Symetrix SymNet Radius DSP system.
Theatre and AV designer Stuart Allyn of A.D.R. Studios (Irvington, New York) designed and commissioned the new theatrical AV systems, while Theatrical Services with Supplies (Hauppauge, New York) was responsible for installation.
“Of course, a lot of thought goes into every aspect of a system like this,” said Allyn. “I went with the SymNet Radius 12×8 because it’s a cost-effective processor that is totally flexible, both in terms of its processing power and its input/output count.”
The installation comprised a single Radius 12×8 digital signal processor which was expanded with two Symetrix SymNet xIn 12 expansion boxes and one Symetrix SymNet xOut 12 connected to the processor via the Dante network to deliver a total of 36 inputs and 20 outputs. The entire system is fed directly from the central FOH position and delivers main show audio to a wide number of areas – including the bars, offices, and restrooms and backstage. As well as main audio, each area can be switched to receive a local source such as cable TV or a Blu-ray player. When viewing the stage feed each reciever must be time aligned to the stage, and when viewing local sources that timing needs to be synced to the video. For this, each “zone” has speaker processing for each mode of operation. By having all the system processing centralised and separate, sound mixers using the digital mixing system are free to use whatever systems, EQs etc. they desire to use in the console, while the main speaker and system processing remains in place.
“I like using SymNet Composer to build customized processing, commented Allyn. “I can see the entire system on one screen, and that overview is important to me. Then I can drill down as needed.” The system includes comprehensive Crestron control. Allyn also made cost-effective use of Symetrix’ inexpensive ARC-2e wall panel remotes. Eight ARC-2e’s placed at strategic locations in ancillary rooms and spaces allow users to select from presets and to change input sources and volumes. Indeed, several of the Symetrix ARC-2e’s send command strings to the SymNet Radius 12×8 system and to the system’s Crestron video switcher.
“We designed the system with foresight of possible future expansion in mind,” continued Allyn. “There’s a lot of extra wiring in place that will allow them to expand the stage and the dressing room areas. If needed, we can simply add another Symetrix SymNet Radius 12×8 to the system via Dante to accommodate even more inputs, outputs, and processing. It is a beautiful venue that should provide great entertainment to Long Island for many years to come.”